have been posting our trades everyday for last 8
years, enough to show our direction accuracy and
consistency. From now on, we will not post them everyday.
We apologize if this change caused you any inconvenience.
for 11/28/2007 Wednesday
Globex> Support 1416, 1422, buy side. As
long as 1416 intact thru Globex, more up side coming .
7:00> Support 1442, buying bias, for MOC high.
8:00> Support 1450, buy side.
10:00> Support 1450, buying bias, for MOC high
12:00> Support 1460, buying bias, target 1475.
Low 1420.50, High 1475, Close 1471]
for 11/26/2007 Monday
06:30> Stop 47.50, short side
10:00> Stop 40.75, short side.
11:00> Resistance 1437.50, short side, target 26.
12:00> Resistance 1435, 1432, still shorting bias, target
MOC down.
Low 1406, High 1456.75, Close 1408]
for 11/21/2007 Wednesday
(Happy Thanksgiving Day.)
Globex> Stop 1448, shorting bias.
06:30> side line.
09:45> Short side stopped out at 42.50 (1.25 loss)
11:30> Support 31, for buy side chasing, target 38-40
11:50> Short higher high 1438.50, target 1417.
12:30> Stop 1432, just short bounce above 1430 again, target
MOC down.
[Range: Low
1417, High 1448, Close 1417.75]
for 11/13/2007 Tuesday
Globex> Stop 1447, short side. (stopped out)
06:55> Support 1452, buy side; today should be MOC up day,
possible UP 40 points target.
09:50> Stop 1457, buy side, target 1470-72.
[Range: Low
1437.50, High 1486.25, Close 1483.25]
for 11/08/2007 Thursday
04:24AM> Stop 1492, short one last time.
Opening> Stop 1488, short again. target 1472
08:06> Resistance 1483.50, short side, target 78.
09:17> Stop 1478, short side, target 62 (or 58) in next 70
09:44> Stop 1462, buy side. (1/2 profit, 1/2 stopped out);
today's close should be above 1475 at least.
10:30> Stop 1458, buy side for 1478-80 target ; keep buying
62 area for scalping 2-3 points. (1462 broken, flat)
11:31> Stop 63.50, short side. (stopped out)
12:08> Stop 1464, buying again, target 1484.
[Range: Low
1454, High 1491, Close 1475.75]
for 11/07/2007 Wednesday
Globex> Breakout pivot 1417, target 1480, 1467 valid; after
1517 violation, 1522 became resistance for shorting bias.
Opening> Resistance 1515, Target 1482-80 today.
08:55> Stop 1512, short side
11:15> Stop 1495, buy side scalping target 1501-02; then 03.50
resistance for shorting.
11:30> Stop 1503.50, shorting bias, target 1480
12:00> Stop 1501, shorting bias,
12:35> JUST HOLD SHORT, do NOT cut profit short.
12:40> Stop at 1492, just short bounce
again, again, and again ! Target MOC down.
12:50> Just hold short for target 1467
[Range: Low
1478.25, High 1525, Close 1483.25]
for 11/06/2007 Tuesday
Globex> Stop 1512, short side (stopped out)
06:30> Stop 1516, short side, target 10;
07:10> Stop 1516.50, short again. Try to reverse to buy side
after 8:25
08:05> If bounce to 09, short again; try buy side after
8:25 if 1503.50 is intact.
08:50> Scalp short with 12.50 resistance, for target 08-07.
09:25> Support 1506, Next buying at 9:40, target 1518 testing.
09:45> Support 1509, for buy side, target 17 before 10:40;
resistance 19 for short side.
10:40> Agg Stop 1518.75, short side, target 1514-13 (profit
12:10> Short again with 19 stop. ( stopped out)
12:25> Stop 1517, buy side, target 1525-26.
[Range: Low
1503.50, High 1526, Close 1525]
for 11/05/2007 Monday
Globex> Stop 1512, buy side. (stopped out)
06:30> Stop1510, short side, target 1497-95
09:30> Resistance 1513.50, short side, target 1497-95.
10:29> Stop 1507.75, short side, target 1497-95.
10:33> Agg stop 1506, short side target 1497-95.
10:39> Just hold short for another
15 mins.
08:50> Stop 1492-95 strong support for buy side.
09:13> Stop 1503-04, buy side, target 1511. Buying bias before
09:34> Support 1505, still buying bias,
09:45> Support 08-09 now, still buying bias; hold long
before 10:00 and try to short 10:05.
09:58> Just hold long.
10:02> Stop 1519, reverse long to short
11:15> Stop 1498.50, buy side, target 1406. (stopped out)
11:48> Stop 1496, try buy side again, target 1506
11:49> Agg Stop 1497, buy side., target 1506-08
12:19> Stop 1504, buy again, target 1515
12:46> Stop 1406.50, buy again. (stopped out)
[Range: Low
1494.25, High 1516.25, Close 1515.25]
for 11/02/2007 Friday
Globex> Waiting for Job report. Res 1520 for short side; sup
1504, 1494
06:09> Stop 1525.50 for short scalping. Short side is
06:37> Stop 1511, buy side. (1/2 profit at 1514.50; 1/2 stopped
out break even)
07:34> Stop 1504, buy side. (1/2 profit above 1506;
1/2 stopped out)
08:50> Stop 1492-95 strong support for buy side.
09:13> Stop 1503-04, buy side, target 1511. Buying bias before
09:34> Support 1505, still buying bias,
09:45> Support 08-09 now, still buying bias; hold long
before 10:00 and try to short 10:05.
09:58> Just hold long.
10:02> Stop 1519, reverse long to short
10:37> Stop/trailing 13.50, still shorting bias. 1508 violation
for target 1504.
10:48> If hourly closed above 1508 at 11:00, it is bullish
11:00> Stop 1512.50, short again.
11:52> Stop 08.50, shorting again. Cover short at around 12:00
12:30> Stop 1505.50 for buy side; stop 1509.75 for short side;
both are breakout pivots.
12:42> 1509.50 breakout = bullish sign. Stop 1510, buy side,
target 1518.
[Range: Low
1496.75, High 1525, Close 1517.75]
for 11/01/2007 Thursday
Globex> Stop 1548.50, buy side. (Stopped out and side line)
06:30> Stop 1542, shorting bias, target 1525, 15 valid
06:52> Stop 35.50, shorting bias, target 1525, 1515.
07:37> Stop 1433.75, short again. (stop out)
08:30> Stop 1535, short again.
09:30> Stop 1535, short side still.
10:30> Resistance 34, short side.
10:39> Stop 1532.50, short again.
11:00> Stop 20-21 for buy side, target 30-33
12:00> Stop 30.50, short side.
12:15> 1525.50 broken, breakout for MOC down. target
12:30> Stop 1521, short again.
[Range: Low
1510.50, High 1554.75, Close 1516]
for 10/31/2007 Wednesday
(FOMC 0.25% rate cut)
Globex> If there is rate cut and 51 intact, market will plunge;
rally scenario: support 34.50, for target 1555.
06:30> Resistance 1545, short side, target 1536 (support
35); One stop at 44.50, one agg stop at 1542.50. (Short side made
07:53> Before 9:00, still for up side bias.
11:35> There is an agg stop 45 for short side; support 32-34
for buy side.
12:10> Stop 49, buy side. (stopped out)
12:18> Support 44-45 buy side.
[Range: Low
1533.50, High 1558.75, Close 1553]
for 10/30/2007 Tuesday 
06:30> Resistance 1545, short side, target 1536 (support
35); One stop at 44.50, one agg stop at 1542.50. (Short side made
[Range: Low
1534.75, High 1556, Close 1536]
for 10/29/2007 Monday 
Globex> Support 35; resistance 46
06:30> Stop 1551, short, target 42-41; support 37-38
for buy side.
11:00> Stop 48.25, short scalping, (stopped out)
[Range: Low
1540.75, High 1551, Close 1547.50]
for 10/26/2007 Friday 
Globex> Trade between 29~21; short high, buy low; Support
19-20, buy side, target 1537; short side 30.50 stop for target
06:26> Stop 38.50 shorting bias, target 32.50. (Sure
target) JUST DUMP 1538 (MA) for sure
target 32.50
06:32> If stopped out, short again with 39.50
stop, target 32.50
07:00> Stop 1536, short bounce again !
08:30> Stop 33, short side.
09:10> Stop 1500, short again. (stopped out)
09:50> Stop 33.25, scalping to 30.
10:48> Support 31, buy side, target 38-39 before 11:30.
10:56> Agg stop 32, buying bias, target 38-39.
11:00> Buy below 1534, for target 39-40, just hold long.
11:19> Resistance 42-43 for short side scalping, target 36-35
and reverse to buy side for MOC.
11:52> Try to buy after 12:15 with 34-35 stop, target 1542
or MOC high.
12:04> Stop 1534.75, buying bias, target 42.
[Range: Low
1521.75, High 1543.25, Close 1542.25]
for 10/24/2007 Wednesday 
Globex> Market will repeat day session range; Resistance
24-25 short side, target12-11; then reverse to buy side with 10-11
support. Double bottom (1495 or 1505) still not ruled out.
06:30> Support 1515, buy side, target 28. (1/2 profit,
1/2 trailing out)
07:12> We favor short side today.
07:47> Agg stop 1515.50, short side, target 1503.50
08:10> Support 1500 for buy side; (1/2 profit, 1/2 stopped
08:28> Sign of bottom. (Short side 1503 stopped out)
09:20> Support 1500- resistance 1508. swinging mode.
11:22> Intra day double bottom
11:30> Stop 1502 and 1504, buying bias target 20 pts.
11:36> Agg stop 1505, buying bias, target 1525
12:00> Hold long and do NOT cut profit short.
12:12> Support 13-15, still buying
bias, hold long overnight.
[Range: Low
1495.50, High 1524, Close 1522]